According to a new study, drinking water is frequently lower safe than what the government considers safe.
A drink of water is something that most Americans take for granted. However, according to a survey issued on Wednesday, there are over 270 dangerous chemicals in municipal drinking water around the country, including in Dallas. The chemicals have been connected to cancer, brain and neurological system damage, hormonal disturbance, pregnancy issues, and other major health problems.
The Environmental Working Group, a non-profit organization, gathered and evaluated data from nearly 50,000 municipal water utilities in all fifty states with the help of other scientists.
The group discovered a disturbing disparity between current legal pollutants levels & the most recent authorized studies on what is safe to eat.
“Legal does not always imply safe,” Sydney Evans, an environmental group science analyst, told Patch
“A lot of these legal limitations are antiquated & may not be the safe level, & the EWG is working hard to close that gap,” Evans added”, The federal government has been unable & unwilling to enact such extra public health safeguards.” We’re working to close the gap by educating individuals about the appropriate dosages of pollutants in water based on the most recent scientific findings.”
Between 2012 and 2017, the group discovered 37 overall chemicals in Dallas’ water supply, 10 of which above EWG’s health standards. According to the environmental group. The Dallas Water Company serves 1,197,816 people,
In response to the EWG findings, Dallas Water Utilities issued Patch the following statement:
“Dallas Water Utilities (DWU) is unable to comment on how the EWG derives their health standards at this time.” However, we can confirm that DWU continues to fulfil all US EPA drinking water criteria and has been classified as a “Superior Public Water System” by the State of Texas.
“All state and national drinking water standards should be founded on good science to prevent against health risk while taking into account existing technology and costs, as required by the Safe “The Safe Drinking Water Act.” The water is constantly monitored by DWU, which conducts 40,000 – 50,000 analyses every month to ensure that it is safe. Residents in Dallas who are worried about the quality of their drinking water might for further information & a free water quality test.”
In Dallas, The Following Toxins Were Found In Excess Of The Environmental Group’s Own Suggested Health Guidelines:
- Arsenic
- Bromate
- Bromodicholoromethane
- Chloroform
- Chromium is a chemical element that can be found in (hexavalent)
- Dibromochloromethane
- Dichloroacetic acid (DCA) is a kind of acetic acid that is
- Nitrate
- Trithalomethanes in total (TTHMs)
- Tricholoracetic acid is a kind of tricholoracetic acid.
The environmental group calculated that up to 110 million Americans could be exposed to the potentially cancer-causing, immune-system-damaging toxin polyfluorinated compounds, or PFAs, in their drinking water. Despite this, the EPA only mandates utilities across the nation to test for six of the 14 identified compounds in the category.
Other impurities commonly present in the drinking water of millions of American can have a significant influence on health. Lead, which was related to brain damage in young children, arsenic, which could cause cancer, and copper, that can affect infants, are among them.
Many of the 270 toxins detected through water samples, as per the environmental group, are at levels that are acceptable under the national Safe Drinking Water Act, but are above limits that recent studies have determined to pose potential health hazards.
To learn about the recommended methods for combating the specific contaminants in your drinking water & problems they bring, go to the environmental group’s website for Dallas.
The environmental organization has a strong stance just on federal government’s handlings of water security.
“The regulatory mechanism in place in the United States to ensure the safety of its drinkable water is defective.” “There are no legal boundaries for more than 160 unregulated pollutants in U.S. tap water due to federal govt’s egregious failure to protect public health,” as per the Environmental Working Group “State of American Drinking Water.”
The Environmental Protection Agency’s unwillingness to add a single new pollutant to the dangerous substances list regulated by the Safe Drinking Water Act almost in 20 years is a main focus of the organization’s concern.