Best Waste Management in San Antonio

San Antonio waste management

How Bad is Pollution in San Antonio San Antonio and the state of Texas are committed to improving waste management practices in order to improve sustainability and reduce local pollution. The Texas Legislature recently passed a law that encourages more sustainable waste management and incentivizes resource recovery. This law creates a waste diversion program that […]

The Situation Of Landfills In Texas

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is a state agency that is responsible for the enforcement of environmental laws in Texas, including enforcing licensing requirements for landfills, among other responsibilities. The TCEQ voted unanimously to adopt the state’s first state-wide rules governing the operation of waste facilities in Texas. The rules were created in […]

Air Pollution In Dallas

In  last few years, polluted air in Dallas had reached new heights. Dallas is among the worst AQIs in the country for both ozone and PM2.5 pollution. In 2019, the air quality in Dallas, Texas failed to achieve the nationally permitted level of PM2.5 pollution. And over 1.5 million Dallas residents are at risk of […]

Cancer-Linked Contaminants Found In Dallas’ Drinking Water

According to a new study, drinking water is frequently lower safe than what the government considers safe. A drink of water is something that most Americans take for granted. However, according to a survey issued on Wednesday, there are over 270 dangerous chemicals in municipal drinking water around the country, including in Dallas. The chemicals […]

Scientists Say That The Safe Limit For Chemical Pollution Has Been Reached.

According to specialists, the worldwide mix of chemical pollution now threaten the stability of eco – systems on which humanity depends. Plastics, as well as 350,000 synthetic chemicals like as pesticides, industrial compounds, and medicines, are of special concern, they said. Plastic pollution has now been discovered from the pinnacle of Mount Everest to  deepest […]