How to get rid of your green waste

waste management in Texas

Whether it’s dead leaves or garden trimmings, debris accumulates quickly, and you need a convenient way to discard all this waste. Learn about green waste disposal options in this post.

Green waste treatment

Plant residues from the garden can be very varied, as well as the possibilities for getting rid of them. This term refers to organic matter such as leaves, grass, branches and fruits. However, it is important to note that unauthorized disposal, such as illegal dumping in inappropriate areas or incineration in your yard, can be considered a criminal offense. Do not throw your green waste in the forest or public places, or on anyone’s property without authorization. Think about the sustainability of Texas.

The different options for getting rid of green waste

You can turn your own garden waste into compost. There are even places in Texas where plant waste is composted on an industrial scale. In the case of France, at the local level, there are different initiatives led by municipalities. Some local organizations are responsible for collecting pruning and garden waste, and some municipalities even give the resulting compost to their neighbors.

Remember that it is important that you find out about the possibilities that exist in your municipality like Arlington for the disposal of your garden waste. If you wish to seek the services of a private company for this, find out if it has the necessary permits to intervene and is recognized by the corresponding environmental organizations before hiring it.

Make compost

Composting is a sustainable way to dispose of green waste. Green pruning becomes humus, the perfect natural fertilizer for your plants and your lawn. You also save money and take advantage of resources.

Home composting is strongly recommended. In fact, making your own compost will save you money by reducing the amount of fertilizer you need. Best of all, it represents the ultimate in recycling: wilted flowers and debris from your garden are broken down and returned to the soil, providing valuable nutrients.

A single handful of compost contains around ten billion organisms and its use in the garden ensures better soil structure and well-nourished soil. This means plants that are more resistant to pests and grow faster.

Collect the foliage

Colorful leaves are the visual attraction of autumn in gardens and streets, and in themselves they are not a problem. However, if you combine them with the cold and humidity characteristic of this time of year, the beautiful leaves fallen to the ground increase the risk of slipping. Additionally, in the garden, leaving a layer of leaves can also be detrimental to certain plants.

To keep your garden in good condition, it is recommended to regularly remove leaves from the grass. This is just good waste management practice.

Use a shredder

Don’t let pruning debris invade your garden. A garden shredder will allow you to tidy up and eliminate plant waste, whether you decide to throw it away or compost it.

The chipper makes plant material more compact and is an effective way to shred bulky branches, leafy branches and other garden debris. It also frees valuable resources from waste: the material made from crushed garden waste contains exactly the nutrients your soil needs.

Use specific containers

If your municipality offers it, a specific bin will facilitate the disposal of garden waste throughout the year. It may also call on external labor to remove the waste. You may have to pay a fee, but you won’t have to worry about this going smoothly.